Sunday, February 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Nothing like going home. Kent came down with a nasty cold this week, and just prior to leaving with his bags packed we decided he wasn't coming home with me. So I left him behind with his sick self, so that none of us would be sick next week. I met up with Mom in Rib Mt. and we did some shopping on Friday afternoon. When we got home, I drove Dad to the shack so he could drive the four wheeler back to the house and then we walked out to the stand on the corner of the field by the big woods. Rickety the stand was, and uncertain it would hold my extra 20 pounds...I climbed it carefully, like it was a Jenga board game ready to topple at any minute. Looking through the binoculars I could see the deer one, two, three coming from the woods. In the end I think there were 10, but Dad had said the night before there were atleast 30. Fun to watch, but the wind was cold.

Sat. I was up early as I could not sleep. Beat everyone up for once. We had an egg sandwich for breakfast and mom and I went for a walk in the woods. It was a beautiful day, warming up. We checked out the woods taking two dogs for a walk and what mess the loggers had left! I slept for 3 hours that afternoon...don't know if I am fighting off Kent's bug, or just tuckered out. Sunday morning we had pancakes for breakfast and then mom and I started to tackle cleaning out the closet. Fun things we came across from my old school papers, trophies, stuffed animals to Dad's papers and his teacher yelling at him for his bad penmenship. I left this weekend with a handful of things including my quilt Grandma gave to me, my cupid doll, a few porcelain memorabilias from chlidhood for BW's room and my baby book. Fun times. Nothing like mommy hanging out with me.....She agreed to come down for 2 weeks when BW is born to help out. Phew....atleast I will have someone to watch when I take a shower and maybe to help make some good meals. :)

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