Friday, January 23, 2009


I felt it was about time to start the baby blog, especially with all the time I have been spending on the couch. One more distraction, never hurts. We are busily trying to get the house situated before BW (Baby Wuebben) arrives in early June. Kent's office is complete, the doors are going on to my craft room, and piece by piece furniture and accessories are taking their place. BW's room is almost cleaned out, I just need to find a good friend to help me hang my pictures around the house. Then I will need to clean the carpet. We are keeping the baby's room the same light green, but I found some cute patterns for our baby's crib and wall hangings. That will be the next purchase.

We are in our 21st week, more than halfway there! It seems at times that my belly grows twice the size, then shrinks. I think when I have a full bladder or stomache it definately pushes out further and makes me look much bigger. No place to go. I can still fit into my pants, but I just am not comfortable for long, so I do have one pair of maternity pants. If only they would stay up! I think the hardest part right now is the between stage where I still pass as mushroom top, put on weight.....not quite belly out pregnant looking.

At night I wake up and look in the mirror just to make sure this is for real, and then realization hits, dang, this is for real! Hard to believe. I think I have felt BW move, especially when I can't sleep at fact BW seems to be doing flips right now. Today I had another teacher comment on how she was looking down the hall the other day and saw me and thought, dang, she is having a baby in 4 months and doesn't even look pregnant. Let me tell you, 15 pounds makes you feel pregnant!

We had our ultrasound last week, everything looked good. When I get time I will upload a few pictures. We aren't finding out the sex of our baby until its birthday. I have been trying to stay active, but am quite tired. This week especially, I came home 2 days and slept for 2.5 hours, then was back in bed by 9 or 10. I'd have to say at this point, it is just tired still. Atleast my morning sickness has gone away and I do have more energy than in the first trimester. Smells really no longer affect me. I tend to not have a lot of taste right now, but I do have cravings from time to time.

I'll leave you with one last thought...I've been waking up in the middle of the night with not a drop of moisture in my mouth. My lips are dry and cracked at night, and it isn't exactly cotton mouth...its the Sahara desert! I can't even take a breath my mouth is so dry! So I take a sip of water and it really doesn't seem to help. Before I go to bed I drink water, I put on half a tube of chapstick and I tuck myself into a hotel room full of pillows. Perhaps it is the breathing through my mouth as I tend to be a little more stuffed up. Our humidifier runs during the day, yet leaves nothing for me at night. I really can't explain it much better than that. I hope you got the picture, and if you have any tricks, send them my way!


  1. Yes, I love a good blog!

    The only suggestion I can think of for the dry mouth (and this comes from living in a dorm) is to get a good vaporizer (the kind for H2O, not weed) and put it right by your bed. That would send nice, moist air right at you.

  2. Yay for keeping the nursery green (we did the same). For the pants transition, checkout the bella band ( It keeps you in your pre-maternity pants longer, and it helps the new maternity pants stay up. And I agree that a humidifier in your room should help with the dryness (at least a little!). If you need to get a new one, look for one that can do double duty in the baby's room next winter. Finally, growing a baby is exhausting!

  3. i keep water next to my bed and a good lip balm on me at all times and that seems to help -
